Thursday, March 31, 2005

-Is the End Near?-

So it has begun. Today I spent 9 hours helping my friend Olivia get ready for her big day. After running a few errands, we spent 8 hours at the church decorating and planning the layout for the wedding and the reception. I don't think I've ever seen as much tulle in my entire life! And after those 8 hours of decorating, I am sad to announce that there is still much to be done. There were still people at the church by the time I was ready to leave and we have another full day ahead of us tomorrow. My feet are very angry with me right now. I think it was because I spent another two hours after that shopping for a dress and picking up the rest of the items I needed to make the wedding gift. Maybe after it is all put together I can post a photo of my work. Maybe I can post some photos of other stuff I've created as well. There really isn't much because I never remember to take a picture before I give the gift away.

Well, I think it's time for me to retire. After not getting much sleep last night and then running around all day today, my body is pretty much wiped out along with my brain. Besides, I want to be well enough tomorrow to be there for Olivia and to hopefully make it through the rehearsal and dinner.
Chesapeake Bay. Yum!

Song of the day: Under Pressure
by Queen feat. David Bowie

7:58 PM

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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

-Video Link-

for any of you who were looking for the video john and i were talking about, i couldn't get it to show up in my last entry. hopefully this time i can get it to work. just click here to enjoy :)

6:19 PM 0 expressions

-What A Day-

have you ever had one of those days where no matter what you did, you just felt crabby? that was totally me today. i guess my problem started when i had to wake up and realized that i could have slept for at least five more hours. and when i thought about all the things i had to do today and for the rest of the week, it just made me even more tired. so that is how my day started. it was soon followed by aggravating hours in front of the computer. now, usually computers and i have a nice understanding going. but today, i could have dropped kicked my computer, run it over with a tractor, and kept warm tonight as i watched the remains burn and spark into oblivion. nothing seemed to load properly or respond in the way it should. i tell ya, by the time late afternoon arrived, i was not a pleasant person to be around. just ask john! but soon things worked themselves out and i think my frustration has subsided a little.

so now i am just tired which makes me dread the next few days. some good friends of ours are getting married and i was asked to help her with the wedding planning and general bridal stuff. tomorrow we begin decorating the church and there are tons of little things still left undone. i don't think i would be soo freaked out about this if i didn't have experience from my last friend's wedding where i practically did the same thing. i think it was the first time i actually realized how exhausting a wedding can be. totally makes me happy that john and i chose the "destination" wedding route that we did. nothing like eloping to
tennessee with some close friends and having a wedding coordinator do most of the work for you. maybe this is my payback for getting out so easily the first time.

song of the day: Virgin State of Mind
by K's Choice

3:25 PM

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

well, here it is. my first official post. i have just spent the better part of the night, trying to set up my background template which has left me with no real time for writing. i ran across a slight snag with my test entry and finally had to delete it. no real loss though. it really didn't say much at all. just like this entry is about nothing. but what do you expect at this ungodly hour? besides, it really has become my new test entry in the hopes that i can get the font the way i want it. there use to be a time when this html stuff was getting easier for me. then i took a monster break from all things web related and i find myself having to learn everything all over again.

i promise that my next entry will be of better substance. but right now i need to get to bed.

1:54 AM

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*This is Me*

I'm just a simple girl really. I love Jesus, my husband, music, and a good plate of food.

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