Monday, November 28, 2005

*Visit John's blog to see why!

9:31 PM

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Friday, November 25, 2005

-He's Slippin' 'Em Bread... Dig?-
Okay, so God hasn't exactly given us money. . .kinda. But He's definitely providing. These last few days have really been a time of re-learning about God's provision during times of crisis. When John lost his job, our only safely working car went with it and we were stuck without transportation. That was until a family from church let us use theirs while they were using a neighbor's car. Then, for Thanksgiving, our surrogate family, the wonderful Browns, made sure that we not only had a place to go for the holiday, but that we understood just how much we were apart of the family and not just friends of the family. Everyone has been soo giving of their love and encouragement that it's a little overwhelming.
Still, when I didn't get approved for an assignment today I took it pretty hard. I had to turn down another assignment earlier in the week so getting declined for another wasn't good. The assignment was for a theater shop and I was especially excited because it was in Springfield (which hardly ever happens) an it would give John and I a chance to have a little fun without feeling guilty for spending on something other than necessities. I admit that I cried after getting the bad news and John was right there encouraging me to trust that God still has His hand in our current circumstance. I took a little time to cry before God and then continued checking my work email. Wouldn't you know it - the very next job I looked up was for a theatre shop in town (at a different theatre) and had a much better selection of shop dates. Can I be completely honest and admit that I cried like a little baby?
I am feeling soo thankful right now that I am almost embarrassed by my earlier reaction. I am feeling such a need to step things up a little more financially that loosing jobs I could normally count on sometimes kills me inside. But God has been faithful and providing in ways that are no less than beautiful. And though this job pays a little less than the original assignment I wanted (instead of reimbursement tickets for two it's just a ticket for one), it still covers the cost for both John and I to have a night of fun, guilt free. Well, I do have to work so it won't be all fun.
Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and that you are experiencing glimpses of God in your lives as well. I know that some of you are experiencing times where God's wisdom and guidance is needed. May we all walk through our journeys with confidence in Him.
Oh! I also posted a bass update on my Xanga site. Go check it out!

4:59 PM

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

-. . .On A Lighter Note. . .-
Occassionally I check out other blogs to see what types of cool features other people add. I did this last night by way of the "Next Blog" button. Though I didn't really find what I was looking for, I did stumble across something that simply made me laugh out loud. Putting words to this would do it a huge injustice. You'll just have to take a chance and see.
*right click on video pic and choose play.
*some of you may need to hit "refresh" once you are on the page.
addition: Just clicked on some of the other links in the post listed above. The Wikipedia link for this post is pretty interesting.

10:42 AM 0 expressions

There have been quite a few things swirling in my head that I just haven't felt compelled to write about. For those of you who have read John's latest post, you know that he lost his job. There were feelings and thoughts that I had on the matter when he first found out, but I didn't feel it was my place to bring the issue up before he did. And really, I don't even know what I would have said anyway.
So here I sit with life issues happening around me and no real desire to talk them out. This is soo unlike me.
Even now I find it hard to write. I can't tell you how many times I have backspaced and deleted before writing this paragraph. Nothing seems right. I want to be honest about where I am and what is going on inside of me but I guess I'm feeling too disconnected to express them. I think now I fully understand what John must feel like when he is in the midst of processing things. Usually, I am so in tune with my emotions and thoughts and can share them quite easily. I sometimes get frustrated with John when I know he is processing things but can't tell me what those feelings or thoughts are. Another day in his shoes I guess.
I can say that I am excited about the journey he's on. God seems to be doing some cool things inside of him during this time. Neither of us know what God has in store, but those who have been praying for us seem to be excited about the outcome. I really do trust that God is preparing us for something great.
Honestly, it's not the outcome that scares me - it's the journey there.

10:08 AM

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

-The Prodigal Daughter Returns-
I can't believe it has been soo long since my last entry. For those brown haired beauties wondering about me, I apologize. Honestly, I just haven't felt that inspired to write. Even now when there are big things to write about - situations to comment on - I just can't bring myself to write.
My solution? Create a new blog template. Usually when I get in a journaling funk, I buy a new journal in the hopes that it will inspire me to open up the blank pages and pour out my heart. This was a lot less expensive and a little more creative. It's nothing fancy mind you, but I hope it reignites the blogging flames.
Maybe tomorrow I can begin blogging again.

10:20 AM

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*This is Me*

I'm just a simple girl really. I love Jesus, my husband, music, and a good plate of food.

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