-Help Wanted- . It has taking me quite a while to write this. As usual, I am finding it hard to come up with the words in which to express my feelings. Things that God seem to be stirring up within me. . As many of you know, John and I are going through a transitional period that leaves much to be desired. Times like this are never easy but to experience them during Christmas is especially difficult. While many others talk of gifts and parties and the joy of the season, John and I struggle with making sure the bare necessities are taken care of. And to top it off, I am physically not at my best. . Yeah - the Christmas spirit has been hard to grab onto this year. . But then something happened to me this Thursday. Something that not only put words to my feelings, but a desire in my heart as well. I caught the encore presentation of the Christmas special for Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Though I enjoy the show thoroughly, I don't usually get a chance to watch it. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, Ty Pennington (formerly of Trading Spaces) and his design team go around the country changing lives by doing extreme makeovers to the homes of deserving families. I've always loved Ty but I enjoy him more on this show because we get to see a little more of his heart. This particular episode dealt with families helped from the past and ways they were wanting to pay it forward to others. So each design team member checked in on a family and found ways to help them help someone else. I won't go into great detail about the episode but I will say that I enjoyed watching the design team and the families come up with unique ways to serve their community. It ranged from doing a complete building makeover for a free clinic facility to passing out thousands of clothes and appliances from Sears to Katrina victims. . I think this particular episode triggered a two-part understanding in me, of all the feelings I have been having. First of all, when you saw the looks on the faces of those who were blessed by the actions of those who were 'paying it forward' - you saw amazement and gratitude. They were not ashamed or uncomfortable - they had a need met without having to even ask or beg anyone for assistance. There is definitely a part of me that has a hard time understanding people who say things like "if we can do something, just ask." I know they have the best of intentions - but they know what we need already, whether it be a car or a ride somewhere, or help getting a few groceries. I hate imposing on people. I don't want to ask someone for help - especially when they might be in a worse situation then we are. I suppose I reason out that if someone knows of our need, they would either choose to assist, choose not to assist, or just not be able. If I then need to ask beyond that, it is as though I am not respecting their decision making process. Am I just supposed to assume that people only want to help others if those 'others' have to repeatedly asked for help? . Perhaps this all just hits very close to home right now, but my feelings on this matter are not solely directed inward. There is something in this TV show that has put words to something I have been wanting to do for a while. I want to be able to listen and observe and be a part of people's lives, and when they express a need in their life, I want for us to be able to step up and meet that need - without the need for a specific phone call, or request. The fact that they have a need, in and of itself, should be sufficient to call me to action. There is this idea of blessing others because we have been blessed... This strikes me as a pro-active kind of idea, not reactive. Because I have been blessed, I want to seek opportunities to help others, however I can - not wait until I am asked, and then consider whether or not I am able. I want the people I help to feel like they are receiving a gift, NOT a favor. I want to help others, without them once thinking they owe me something, or that they are probably imposing because they had to call me to spark me into action. Am I way off on this one?
- Listen Up. . .Part II- . Did any of you know Rebekah Songer could sing and play the piano. . .really well? And I need to confirm this from her but, I think she wrote all the songs as well. Go check out her MySpace music site.
-Listen Up- . Ok, so I was checking out Eisley at a place called UnderGroundOnline - watching some live acoustic material, and I happened upon another artist. Her name is Kaki King. I don't really have the words to describe this girl's talent. So. . .check her out! (I am especially curious as to what Mr. Tolbert thinks of her...)
-Lost and Found- . So it seems my husband may have beaten me to the punch. After talking with a certain Brain Scheidt who then convinced John to check out the MySpace world, I got enticed. It seems that MySpace has brilliantly figured out a way to network millions of people in such a way that it only takes a few mouse clicks to find spaces for people you haven't heard from or seen in years. I wasn't going to cave in to the pressure like John had. I have willpower. Besides, I already have a LiveJournal blog (which is only up so that I may commit on LJ sites), a Xanga blog, and this one. What do I need a fourth site for? But then I saw this face:
So yeah - I caved! What's it to ya? I gotta tell ya, a Songer face will do me in every time. And this particular Songer happens to be one person who can melt me into goo with just the mere thought of her. I mean, what other person can say they were one of the coolest people around at only 8 years old? Tammy might fight me on this as she melts into goo at the mere thought of Andrew (we all remember the many pics displayed in her office at CCH.) And any of you with kids might argue with this as well once they become of age. (I do have my eyes on a few.) But for me, she's the tops.
So there ya have it. In order to stay current with both places, I've decided to just double post. Make my original post here and copy it into the other blogs after. I think this will keep me from wasting too much time in the blogging world. So much for willpower.
-I Really Did Try To Be Good- . Inspired by my LiveJournal friends, I decided to see what my letter to Santa would look like. Guess I should have tried a little harder to be a good girl.
Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
In January I helped luvs_chicago see the light (8 points). In July I gave change to a homeless guy (19 points). Last Saturday on a flight to Vancouver, I stole the emergency flight information card (-40 points). Last Sunday I broke mishilikki's X-Box (-12 points). Last week I pulled over and changed starberryshyne's flat tire (15 points).
Overall, I've been naughty(-10 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!
Sincerely, sayanything76
For those of you with LiveJournals, give it a go. Write your letter to Santa! Enter your LJ username: