Thursday, February 16, 2006

-A Belated Gift. . .of Sorts-
Well, I am officially a few days late with this entry originally intended for Valentine's Day. But as I've learned with most holidays - I should just be prepared to celebrate things on any other day BUT the day intended. My birthday, wedding anniversaries, Arbor day. . .
So, my belated Valentine's Day gift goes out to all the Harry Potter Fans. Click on my Song of the Day and take a listen. And if you found yourself this Valentine's Day with less than sparkling results - go ahead and take a listen as well.

7:03 AM

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Friday, February 10, 2006

-I'm Just A Copy Cat-
Yeah, it's true. Not only am I posting a survey that I did on MySpace taken from Karen. . .I just found out that Karen also posted this survey on her main blog. Well, I don't feel bad because we all know that Karen is one cool chick!
Name of University
Eastern Illinois University
When you first attended, where did you live?
Carmen Hall, 8th floor, girls' tower room 805
Who was/were your roommate(s)?
Karen from Downers Groove, IL
Do you still talk to them?
No, the relationship slowly fizzled after she joined a sorority. She was a great first roomate though and we had tons of fun.
Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
A few times. Mostly in someone else's room for having too many people get too loud during movie nights.
Something you remember when you lived on campus?
Carmen Hall fire of '94/'95 - girls' side. I don't quite remember what sememster it falls in. I just remember it was cold standing outside in the middle of the night waiting to see when/if we could get back in the building. I ended up sleeping on Michelle C's dorm room floor that night.
Your campus phone number or other number
For the life of me, I can't remember a one.
First party attended?
Some frat party the first week of school.
First Bar you got wasted at?
Never been wasted
Favorite Pizza Place?
Jerry's - Mmmm BBQ Chicken Pizza!
Favorite place to go out to eat?
What's Cookin'
Did you go to the library?
I lived in the library! Especially my freshman year. I worked there all 4 1/2 years. My second home. . .the stacks!
What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
Freshman year -- Carmen Hall floor 8
Sophmore - Senior -- Taylor Hall floors 1 South (boys floor) and 2 North (my floor). Taylor Hall 2 North had all the cool chicks!

Club, Athletics, Frat or Sororities, you joined?
Christian Campus House - COM, and an African American Christian sorority that was trying to establish itself. The latter was only for a small period of time. It never really got off the ground before I graduated.
Where did you buy your books?
Yeah, textbook rental pretty much rocked!
Who made the best wings?
Favorite Bar?
I never went to the bars in Charleston. I'd go up to UofI a few times with friends.
Ever attend a sporting event?
Football games were the place to be my freshman - sophmore years. Did attend some basketball games as well once a certain best friend became Billy the Panther.
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
Received free tickets to see Hootie and the Blowfish and went to a lot of conerts held by the music department.
Did you move off campus, when and where?
Covenant House -- my last semester senior year and almost every summer. I have to say that I loved living in the dorms.
Who were your first off-campus roommates?
I totally don't remember. Let's see. . .Jessica, Amanda, Jenny R, Leah, Christine, and possibly Karen?
Do you still talk to them?
Some more than others. Some not nearly enough. Oh, and the ones I don't remember probably would get a no response.
Have you ever spent the night on campus not in a dorm hall?
Me and a couple of crazy kids (John, Chad, Mandy, Tina, Lisa, Eric Z, Eric L., Jerry, and Tonya) decided to camp out on the hill by the pond one night.
Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go?
Up until my senior year the Lighthouse on Friday nights were soo much fun. It sorta reached lame status after that.
Happy hour, where did you go?
Did the Lighthouse have a happy hour?
Where did you get coffee?
Don't drink the stuff. But I went to Zorba's and had hot chocolate while everyone else drank coffee.
Favorite Year of Halloween
I think it was my sophmore year. Besides spending an awesome night with friends, I remember Shawn S. and our friend Matt got inspired to dress up as drag queens after we saw To Wong Foo in the theatre.
Go see a play or been in one?
As a theatre minor, I saw tons of plays. I was in a children's play (for the life of me I can't think of the name of it now!) that traveled to different elementary schools to perform. Our big EIU performances were during the big Centennial weekend celebration.
Did you ever have a job at school?
As stated before, Booth Library was my life all 4 1/2 years of school. I also spent a summer as an EIU camp counselor.
What do you hate about your college?
The need to actually take classes was a big one.
What did you love most about it?
All of my friends, the Campus House, and the Freedom! (Karen totally hit this one on the head)
Ever leave to go on a road trip, where?
Most of my mini road trips revolved around a concert of some kind (Chicago, Kansas City, Peoria, etc.). My big road trips happened during spring breaks. New Mexico, New York, Massachusetts, Nevada, and a brief day in Canada.
Where would you believe is the best location to live in at EIU?
Off campus: Cov House
On campus: Taylor Hall

Graduated or still attending?
Year of graduation?
Will you go back?
How many parking tickets have you gotten there?
Finally, ever gotten arrested?
Nope, though I wonder if a bunch of us came close the night we broke into the underground tunnels of the school. We were questioned about our late night activities just after resurfacing by an on campus security guard.

7:45 PM

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*This is Me*

I'm just a simple girl really. I love Jesus, my husband, music, and a good plate of food.

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