Sunday, May 21, 2006

-I Can't Get Started-

Well. . .
It's been ages since I blogged about anything of significance. Heck, it's been ages since I've blogged at all. I know that a good number of you have wondered about me and where I've been. For those of you who have also commented on my lack of entries, I just want say thanks. . . it feels good to be missed.
As far as an explanation goes for why I haven't written in months, the best I can say is that I just haven't had the words. I find myself in a place (for months now) where trying to describe my feelings and putting words to my thoughts is the most difficult thing. This isn't normally like me. So even though things have indeed happened in my life - spiritually, emotionally, relationally - I just couldn't write about it. Some days I would start an entry only to get about a few sentences in before giving up. I saved a couple of drafts in hopes of going back to complete some of the more "successful" attempts. These too were to no avail.
I feel lost without my words. They weren't always eloquent or witty but they were mine. And as someone who needs to talk things over in order to process or heal or. . .whatever, this just. . .
Well simply put - it sucks! But thank God for music. Most of you know that I would probably die if there was no music in my life. That phrase has never been more true than this period in my life. Music always seems to feed my soul and I'm finding myself relying on it now to express those things I just can't seem to. The problem is that I often times find meaning and connection in lyrics that most others don't get. Sometimes it's not the words at all but the tone and feel of the instrumental that speaks to (and for) me. So, I guess to end this entry I can leave you with a list of songs that have carried me through these last few months. Album wise, Remy Zero's Villa Elaine, Joshua Radin's We Were Here, and most recently Death Cab for Cutie's Plans have been on very heavy rotation. Here is a list of specific songs with links to lyrics (if I can find them) so you can read them if you want. And as I said before, sometimes the lyrics themselves don't speak as loudly as the feel of the music behind the words.
Different Name for the Same Thing - Death Cab for Cutie
I'm Not Afraid - Remy Zero
Tulips - Bloc Party
Sundrenched World - Joshua Radin
Love Will Come Through - Travis
Fair - Remy Zero
Someday You Will Be Loved - Death Cab for Cutie
What If You - Joshua Radin
You Know So Well - Sondre Lerche

*lyrics for most Joshua Radin songs are not available online yet. Play the song of the day to hear What If You.

10:26 PM

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

-Not My Offiicial Return. . .But I Just Couldn't Resist-

12:36 AM

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*This is Me*

I'm just a simple girl really. I love Jesus, my husband, music, and a good plate of food.

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